Is a Second Housing Crisis Imminent?

Are we past the home mortgage crisis? Or is there a possibility that there just may be a round two? If there is another round of mortgage defaults, how can we avoid getting caught up in it?

One Woman's Mortgage Problem

This morning I read about a woman who had just had her hours at work cut back. She was concerned about what to do because of the crimp it put on her budget.

In particular, her new hours did not provide enough income, as she saw it, to be able to keep up with her house payments….


Why People Can’t Save Money

How often have you heard someone say, “If I had a nickel for every time I heard that I would be a rich man today!” I know I have heard it many times. And the truth is that human behavior does seem to follow a lot of repetitious patterns.

Common Excuse for Not Saving Money

This is true with our economic choices and ideas as much as it is anywhere. Specifically, it is common to hear what I heard again this week…


Are Prepaid Cards a Good Idea?

Prepaid cards are the talk of the day in some circles. They are said to have a number of advantages, not the least of which is that they require no credit check! But that alone ought to cause the discriminating mind to raise a few concerns.

Are Prepaid Cards a Good Idea?

Think about …


I Built This Site Myself!

Now that's not a political headline. Just a fun (I trust) parody of one. However, it is intended to draw attention to one fact: what you read on this site is written by me, growing out of my own education, experience, and real research.

That is one reason why, in my opinion of course, I believe you can trust what you read on Success With Money to be the truly valuable information you need to help you reach your goal of financial success.

This post is a little different than most. It is not about money as such; it is about my philosophy of work when it comes to writing the content you find here. It is intended to give a little insight into my approach and purpose for the site.


Your Outlook on the Economy
Determines Your Success!

One of the most important truths you can ever learn in life is that your thinking determines everything. The way you think shapes your life.

In no area is this more significant than in your financial life. You will never be successful with money until you see yourself and your opportunities as filled with potential rather than failure.

Mike's Money Success Attitude Story

Recently I read a great post by Mike McGroarty dealing with the economy. It isn't his particular field of interest—he promotes growing plants for sale as he has done himself—but he makes some great points in this…


Can We Avoid Low Wages Ahead

A noteworthy article titled Low-paying jobs are here to stay appeared on CNN Money today. It does not report good news, but it does focus our attention on a very real situation that we must adjust to and respond to if we want to do well in future.

Wages to Remain Stagnant for Years

The story reports on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute. Overall conclusions of the study are…


Why I Did Not Buy Facebook Stock

It is always risky to say why you declined to invest in any stock, I suppose. Especially in the tech field. You always stand the risk of trying to explain later why you didn't recognize the value of an Amazon or Apple. But, here I go, with the hope that my reasoning is worth considering.

Is Facebook Viable?

First, I do not see the economic viability of a company like Facebook. The question I ask myself is…


Is the Rising Stock Market a Sign of Economic Recovery?

Almost every day now we hear optimistic reports about the stock market suggesting that the economy must be improving because the price of stocks continues to grow (albeit not agressively).

Surely this must be a good sign, right? And if we were to pour cold water on that notion we must surely be the bad guys. But what is the truth?

Rising Stock Market—A Good Thing

Before pointing out the obvious (at least in my mind) reason for concluding that it…


For a Job, Choose Training-Education Carefully

In a previous post I emphasized the importance for seeking out specialized training as part of an effort to get a new job. In that post I mentioned a related need to look for training that prepared for an actual job, meaning one that really exists. In this post I want to focus on that element.

The Disconnect Between Education and Jobs

For many years I have been perplexed about the disconnect between educational opportunities and jobs that really exist in the marketplace. Sometimes there seems to be little relationship between the two and public awareness of this reality seems minimal.

Just the other day…


Train to Get a Job Now!

The more things change, the more they stay the same. When it comes to getting a job in our tenuous economy, the real answer is not to find some new unusual approach. Instead, it means getting back to the basics of getting a job.

Jobs Are Available

The proof of this in in the fact that even though we are experiencing unusual levels of unemployment, there are tens of thousands of jobs going unfilled. In fact, I heard yesterday about a business near to me that has around twenty-five jobs available, good paying jobs for the most part, and no qualified applicants. Wow!

Why Many Jobs Go Unfilled

There are many explanations for such situations. In many cases it is simply that …
