Great News! The Work is Now Complete!
Final Update, June 10th
The entire Success With Money website is now redesigned to be media responsive so people can read it on all the smaller media now in use. It has been a big job, but I am sure it will prove worthwhile.
Recent reports show that more than half of all internet users now use portable, smaller devices instead of standard computers or laptops, so this has been a important update.
Everything is now complete except for any odds and ends that may show up. If you find anything that does not work, let me know. There are hundreds of links, for example, that had to be changed and I could easily have missed some or just messed them up.
All pages present before are still here so you can search for them or check the navigation. Unfortunately, all url’s had to be changed to go with a dynamic rather than static page construction. If there is something you are looking for let me know and I will check it out for you.
Thanks for your patience and for stopping by the site. I am looking froward to reaching out to many more people with some great information and help in the months ahead.
Good Success with your money and your life!