Major changes underway!

Great News! The Work is Now Complete!

Final Update, June 10th

The entire Success With Money website is now redesigned to be media responsive so people can read it on all the smaller media now in use. It has been a big job, but I am sure it will prove worthwhile.

Recent reports show that more than half of all internet users now use portable, smaller devices instead of standard computers or laptops, so this has been a important update.

Everything is now complete except for any odds and ends that may show up. If you find anything that does not work, let me know. There are hundreds of links, for example, that had to be changed and I could easily have missed some or just messed them up.

All pages present before are still here so you can search for them or check the navigation. Unfortunately, all url’s had to be changed to go with a dynamic rather than static page construction. If there is something you are looking for let me know and I will check it out for you.


Whether the Job Be Great or Small

Often high achievers are plagued with a combination of two conflicting interests, a sense of perfectionism and a wide range of desirable activities. Perhaps most successful people experience this to some degree. What should we do when this is the case?

Perfectionism Drives Achievement

Obviously, taken to the extreme, perfectionism can be a negative. We are all familiar with what is called the “paralysis of analysis.” But a significant degree of perfectionism drives us to achieve high marks in school and success in our work.

Man thinking

When young I was indoctrinated with the old saying, “Whether the job be great or small, do it well or not at all.” It drove me to achieve reasonably high grades in school and eventually to continue my education until I earned a doctorate.

This attitude contributes to the degree of success the perfectionists have in all of life’s activities. Look at the Olympics. We watch in amazement at what some of these athletes can do, perhaps even more at their ability to focus for years on honing their skills.

No One Can Do It All

Here is the big problem with perfectionism. It inevitably leads to a great conflict that can affect life in a very negative way


Time Is Money

You have no doubt heard the old saying that time is money.

Money with Timer

Saving Time is Popular Advice

Just today in an email from Sitepoint, one of my favorite resources for learning about web matters, I read a comment that relates directly to this point:

Trimming a few minutes out of common tasks can add up to hundreds of hours saved in the long term. That time could mean more clients, better work, new skills, or perhaps just room for those personal projects that are full of potential.

One of the best ways to increase your income and productivity in general is to learn how to save time. And the really good news is that it is altogether possible to do it on a massive scale.


Working from Home

Have you been thinking about starting a business of your own, a home based business? Never before has there been as much interest in this opportunity and it may be just the thing for you.

Why a Home Based Business Now?

Starting your own home based business has been the dream of many people over the years, but for most it has been little more. However, in the economic circumstances faced by the world today, this may prove to be the best time ever to make it a reality instead of just wishful thinking.

Necessity is the mother of invention as the old saying goes. One reason many people are thinking about a home based or secondary business income now is due to people having a lower income from their regular jobs. The average family income in America has dropped more than $4,000 over the last few years while expenses keep escalating.

No one wants to lower their standard of living, no surprise, so people are looking for ways to earn some additional income. Beginning a part time home business can be an appealing option.


When the Unthinkable Happens

Sometimes tragedy slaps us in the face. It leaves us with sorrow, but there are usually some lessons we learn as well. In this post I want to share some lessons associated with a recent personal tragedy. Some problems were anticipated, others not so much.

Facing the Death of a Child

December was a sad time for our family as we lost our youngest child. Brian was 32 years old when he died which is remarkably old considering his many health issues, challenges so severe that he was not expected to live but a short time when we took him in foster care at 17 months. Certainly, no one suspected he would live long enough for us to adopt him a couple of years later.

Fortunately, Brian responded to love and good care from ourselves and a multitude of great doctors, nurses, and other caregivers. He became the joy of our lives as he shared his engaging smile with those he loved. We loved Brian greatly and miss him immensely.


Why People Can’t Save Money

How often have you heard someone say, “If I had a nickel for every time I heard that I would be a rich man today!” I know I have heard it many times. And the truth is that human behavior does seem to follow a lot of repetitious patterns.

Common Excuse for Not Saving Money

This is true with our economic choices and ideas as much as it is anywhere. Specifically, it is common to hear what I heard again this week…


Are Prepaid Cards a Good Idea?

Prepaid cards are the talk of the day in some circles. They are said to have a number of advantages, not the least of which is that they require no credit check! But that alone ought to cause the discriminating mind to raise a few concerns.

Are Prepaid Cards a Good Idea?

Think about …


Is the Rising Stock Market a Sign of Economic Recovery?

Almost every day now we hear optimistic reports about the stock market suggesting that the economy must be improving because the price of stocks continues to grow (albeit not agressively).

Surely this must be a good sign, right? And if we were to pour cold water on that notion we must surely be the bad guys. But what is the truth?

Rising Stock Market—A Good Thing

Before pointing out the obvious (at least in my mind) reason for concluding that it…


Ben Bernanke, Treacherous or Treasonous?

When Texas governor, Rick Perry, implied (well it might have been a little stronger than an implication!) that Ben Bernanke might have bordered on being treasonous in some of his past or possibly proposed actions as chairman of the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors, he stirred up a hornet's nest.

Unfortunately, almost all of the public discussion about this event considered whether or not this was a civil or “politically correct” thing to say. None of it that I heard focused on the issue that drove the comment, specifically…


Should You Start Your Own One Person Business Now?

Every cloud has a silver lining. At least that’s what the proverbial they say! And when it comes to the economy that may well be the case….

Every day the government makes it harder for a person to start and build any kind of economically sound business. That’s not a political statement, at least not altogether. It is a bureaucratic statement….

But here is the silver lining….
